Abdication is Not Delegation

Governance With RCS: You have delegated the responsibility of educating your children to your local school board. You are responsible for the workings of your school board. That school board employs the teachers educating your children

Have you any questions? In case not, here are a few.
+ What does "abdication" mean?
+ How do you make sure that your school board is properly equipping your instructors and schools?
+ What do you consider proper?
+ How is your school board allocating your money?
+ How are the men and women on that board having teachers treat your children?
+ How are they treating those teachers?
+ What kind of school district auditing program are you running? 
+ Who reviews your audits?
+ Who is watching that hen house?
+ What level of transparency does your school board practice?
+ Who attends to school district accountability?
+ How is your board handling pensions? Lots of money there.
+ How do you get your information about your local school board?
+ Who informs you about school board doings.
+ Do the men and women of your board tend to use rubber stamps given them by others? 

                You can post your answers in the "comments" widow just below the bottom of this post.

by Richard Sheehan