Governance With RCS: It's hard to lose democracy, but it can get very rusty from lack of practice.
Decades of lack of practice are resulting in a loss of our hard won democracy. We are governed by others and are now on our way to passing into superfluousness.
Read our Declaration of Independence. When we don't use it, we lose it.
Nader is reminding us of that which we can do. Listen carefully for what can be done.
Also he says that it takes only about 1% of us to be strongly effective. 20% is much better.
We can learn to do it by doing it.
We must learn more about cooperation and organization.
We must learn how to more effectively cooperate and organize.
We may also benefit from reconsidering the nature of freedom, as in free
press, free communication, free elections, freedom of privacy and more
about free men and women.
Without active citizenship and active self-governance we become useless.
Do you remember what superfluousness means?
by Richard