Collaborative Self Governance

Collaborative means doing together.

Let's say that we want to co-operate in a effective and satisfying way. To begin listen to this thrice and then review this blogsite. Then consider why so many of us consider that getting closer to the practice of equality is effective and satisfying. Then review your values.

Collaboration and cooperation empower us. Let's consider their effective and satisfying practice. There is a lot of healthy food for thought in this video, view it again. If you are interested in a goal, the one offered in this video is, harmonize people power, and process. An old aunt of mine told me that she was very glad that someone told her that, "It ain't so much about what you do: and it's  a lot more about the way how you do it." Process is important.
Consider the simple meaning of governance. Governance is how we collectively organize ourselves to take care of ourselves, Let's consider "how" and begin to practice.



Do No Harm (or try a bit harder to avoid it)

Our more recent wars

            You can begin an exploration of our wars on History With RCS. Use one or more of the various search apps there and begin searching: war, wars, or our wars.
The apps Labels or Archives are useful tools and may be good places to begin your search.

            In this piece I will remark on the nature of some of our more recent wars. They were often call wars on ''terror.'' That, to me, seems a misnomer. In my experience wars are made on people by people. They are made on men and usually include women and children, not to mention youths.These days they usually result in the death and maiming of more noncombatants than combatants. The purpose of most wars is killing men and so crushing their power. Other purposes have included vengeance and taking over resources. Less often, it is for protection from actual invaders. The results of most war are ugly and include: rage, hatred, and death, of puppies,  grandmothers, babies, garden plants, plus the usual men, women, ect.

            I have heard it suggested that by becoming better at avoiding war and other killing we give ourselves a chance for a better life. Wise men have said that by trying to do no harm we make more room for health and happiness in our lives. This sounds right but people do experience anger, rage, fear, and an urge to vengeance. All feelings which can lead to unpleasant actions. But these days we often kill in rather cold blood when someone of authority tells to do so. Luckily we can sometimes do so by pushing a button or pulling a lever and never having to see the results.

            Many of our recent wars do not seem to be resulting in lasting goodness. They have led to the deaths of many including wives and mothers, which resulted in the considerable rancor among survivors. In those wars social organizations were disassembled, infrastructure and other physical resources destroyed. unmeasured damage to our environment resulted as well as partially measured damage to our economies resulted. Another result was the wounding, deadening,
and mangling of hearts, minds, and souls of survivors. Doings and happenings which may be worth considerable effort to avoid.

            Still, peace at any cost is not very peaceful and too often of little good. If peace and war extremes, there is likely a mean between them which could be a golden mean. Diplomacy, negotiation, and dialogue toward mutual understanding could be ways to better ways then killing one another.

            Just the better use of language could prove useful. Instead of  war on Syria or on Ukraine, it may be more realistic, and true, to say war on Syrians and war on Ukrainians. We can be reminded that human persons feel more pain and loss than does a country and thus act more carefully, but maybe not.

            I understand terror as being a strong fear. I may be pleased to scare the hell out of an invader of my home and be pleased if he were terrified. However, it is usually best to alleviate fear. Reactions to fear can be unpleasant. Killing people is not a good way to alleviate fear except from the dead. The dead are no longer terrorized, but the friends, family, and countrymen may have lasting anger to express. It seems good policy to consider alternatives to killing and terrorizing. Dialogue for understanding can be an effective alternative.

            Those who have been called terrorists have been considered patriotic heroes. They have often been those struggle against a much stronger foe. Some French men and women did a fair job of terrorizing German occupiers. American Colonists did a bit of a job on English military and others before and during the American Revolution. The Irish used some terror tactics to become a nation once again after perhaps a 1,000 years of troubles.

            War is often not always the best way of  dealing with strong fear or the greater discomfort which is terror. 

            From the perspective of an American citizen I note that the ability to choose to make war or not was once directly up to American citizens. War was usually honorably declared and in most cases it was up to the citizens to decide to declare war. So, it was up to them to be very clear as why we should systematically kill other humans. Many found that distasteful and so gave up their right and responsibility of making war or not. Humans can be a peculiar lot.

            I am am an American, a citizen of the United States so I hope you can excuse me for using us as examples.  We have neglect many of our own rules and laws dealing with war. We gave up much of our rule over our armed forces  and so let them be move toward being more like a mercenary organization. Not everyone is of this opinion and I can understand why. We, the citizens, gave up much of our power over the financing of American wars. No war was to be finance for over two years unless we voted for that financing. It seems many felt that unreasonably aukward. Taking time each two years to reconsider our reason for killing of humans seemed unreasonable to some so the process was simplified. At one time we were are armed forces, each man of age served at very little pay with a lot of patriotism. So, it was not so easy to kill when we had to do it ourselves. But that did not seem fair. As we had given up much of our war making powers why should we have to serve for little more than patriotism. So, we gave up the idea of a citizen armed forces and paid others a more mercenary like amount to do the fighting. Now we have we have better paid professional soldiers  who war to make a living, and for the country. Now it is easier, for us as a nation, to kill people we do not know and have never attacked us. Are armed forces do the killing with do deliberation or decision to do so on their part! At times we have not even heard that a certain people were being killed in our name with our resources! Sad happenings when a people give up governing themselves. Democracy can seem very far away. 

            Now we let our resources be used to kill strangers in their own land and perhaps their home while making no decision to do so! This now seems a continual activity. Now the killing from high in the sky without witnessing the happening.  Or, we can arm others to do so for us. Killing is paid for with resources which were once ours without thought or feeling on our part. We can easily make believe that it is not happening because we have abdicated our responsibility as citizens of a republic. With hazy eyes we do not see that we are residents of what seems very much like an empire. Still we have certain memories buried deep within, of honorable responsibilities and freedoms.

            How beautiful were are doings. How clearly we envisioned our republic moving toward democracy.

            Have we really let our republic slip through our fingers without a thought or care? It seems so. Are we giving a thought about the kind of people we want to be? It seems not. Are we willing to, at least, talk about it? Are we, we. or strangers whose thoughts are strange? 

            I believe that we can still an us, a we. I believe we have the courage to reclaim our freedom to govern ourselves. We can practice taking care of ourselves together and give ourselves a chance to revive our early purpose.

            We can learn again by doing again. We do not have to give up.

            You have read this. That is something. Thank you.

           I did not mean to write this much about ourselves, but it feels right to have done so.

                                                                                        richard sheehan

Keep Our Understanding Bright

A view of democracy and its doing 

            Literally, simply, and truly democracy means government by the populace at large; that is the people rule; that is the people do all the governance, and that governing is up to the people. We have come to call governance through elected representatives democracy, which it is not.It is a short way to express a specific way toward true democracy and is more correctly expressed as representative democracy, a form of republicanism. Where the populace is the primary active source of political power, a people is on the road to democracy.

            By the mid 1950s the simple form of representative majority rule by the citizens of a nation was already referred to as a democracy rather than a republic. In this case representatives were elected by 51% of the vote or more. The percent of votes to gain a representative position could have been another percentage such as 100 % or 72 %. In any case democracy is approached when the supreme power is vested in the people and is EXERCISED BY THEM.

            Democracy has worked better where the people or the franchised people (citizens) maintain an ongoing dialogue so that they they understood one another. Such a democracy is a stable and resilient form of government.

            A well worked republic is a good form of governance. I believe that many of  our founders saw it as approaching democracy.

            I think that we can benefit by discussing a well participated democracy. You could initiate the discussion in the the comment section. Right now I will mention examples of the nature of democracy and its benefits.


Using Democracy

            Well worked a democracy can provide a platform for peaceful resolution of conflicts and allows for the protection of human rights a fundamental freedoms.

            Engaging its youth in democratic discourse is crucial for the sustainability and vitality of any democratic society. Young people can bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and important understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. By involving them in discussions about governance, policy-making, and societal issues, we can tap into their energy, creativity, and idealism. This not only empowers the youth but also enriches the democratic process, making it more representative, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of all citizens.

            Youth need not wait to be involved, they can practice involving themselves right now. As youth need not wait to be involved in governance it seems we need not.

            Using democracy to your benefit involves actively participating in the democratic process. Your using can include voting in elections (How is a name chosen to appear on a ballot?), attending public meetings, and engaging in discussions about issues that affect you and your community. By exercising your right to vote, you have the power to elect representatives who align with your values and can work towards enacting policies that benefit you. You can organize to keep an eye on that representative to see that he is doing the work and send him a note of encouragement from time to time.

            Using democracy for one's benefit seems a good idea. One way of doing so is by getting involved in grassroots movements and advocacy groups. By joining forces with others who share your concerns and goals, you can collectively amplify your voice a push for change. This can involve organizing protests, writing letters to elected officials, or even running for office yourself. This is just a tiny taste of the possibilities available to you.

Getting to know the nature of democracy 

            At its core, democracy is about people claiming a voice and ensuring that their collective interests rue in the governance of a nation. It provides a framework for peaceful coexistence and allows for the peaceful transfer of power usually through elections. In a democratic system governance tends governance of, by, and for the people. So the people are largely accountable for their governance and responsible for its quality. This is often achieved through mechanisms such as regular elections, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, an independent judiciary often ruled by a constitution, and through a wide distribution of power.

            The people of a democracy promote the idea that every individual's  opinion matters and should be taken into consideration when making decisions which affect society as a whole. They encourage open dialogue, debate, and the exchange of ideas, fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity. The people are involved in ongoing democratic dialogue in the knowledge that it maintains enough common understanding to keep their governance resilient and strong.
This tends to ensure that policies and laws reflect the needs and aspirations of the entire population, including the youth.

Democracy does not work, it must be worked

            The citizens of a of a democracy realize that if they do not work it, it  ceases to exist. They know that the must share their opinions if the want them to be known. They know they must listen so carefully to the opinions of others that they come to understand them. This calls for enough democratic dialogue to be ongoing. Public forums and town hall meetings are encouraged, and social media platforms are used. All are free to engage in open discussions about important issues. By actively participating in these conversations, you can contribute to shaping public opinions and influencing decision-making processes. But most have begun to realize this is not enough for a great many reasons. One is not everyone is comfortable enough in public speaking to make themselves understood. Another is that effective collective governance calls for what some call thinking together. In even a largish group of know others, a timid person is often able to learn to listen to others and to take a turn to say a few words. An inexperienced youth among such know others can practice useful listening and talking skills. Such groups are for learning and practicing democratic governance.

            A democratic ambience promotes transparency and accountability in a republic and other circumstances. That democratic atmosphere encourages citizens to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions and decisions and democratic citizens find that it is not difficult to organize to keep closely informed about the actions and decisions of their representatives and other public officials. So may you, by staying informed about the actions of your representatives and holding them to their promises, you can cause your interests to be better represented and protected. Doing so need not take overly much time or energy, but may take a little dialogue to get started.

            A citizen of a government of democratic tendencies can find that a sense of civic responsibility and empowerment develops within him. By actively  participating in the democratic process, he becomes an engaged citizen who has a say in shaping the future of his country. This sense of empowerment can lead to a greater sense  satisfaction and of belonging, and of knowing that you are actively contributing to the betterment of society. Try showing up.

            Thank you for reading.
