Collaborative Self Governance

Collaborative means doing together.

Let's say that we want to co-operate in a effective and satisfying way. To begin listen to this thrice and then review this blogsite. Then consider why so many of us consider that getting closer to the practice of equality is effective and satisfying. Then review your values.

Collaboration and cooperation empower us. Let's consider their effective and satisfying practice. There is a lot of healthy food for thought in this video, view it again. If you are interested in a goal, the one offered in this video is, harmonize people power, and process. An old aunt of mine told me that she was very glad that someone told her that, "It ain't so much about what you do: and it's  a lot more about the way how you do it." Process is important.
Consider the simple meaning of governance. Governance is how we collectively organize ourselves to take care of ourselves, Let's consider "how" and begin to practice.

