Good Work by President Trump Together We Stand!

 President Trump is doing much good, important work! However, the why he is doing it may do much damage to this Republic. That is not his fault. It is our fault: the fault of US citizenry. In this Republic we decided to use representatives. We have not been using them. We turned them loose without our support, guidance, control, or anything! Without our active support our representatives lose their power and we lose and we without their service lose our republic. Without our republic we can become powns, slaves, useless, or... Together actively nominating, electing, supporting, and using our representatives well we stand. Without working our republic can we even be we.

We are very important. We benefit by thinking more about us and talking more about us and how to support one another and our representatives. Doing so makes us effective citizens and the better part of Our Republic.

                                                              Richard Sheehan